Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Arcaniums are 100% gonna be in, they’re too important not to.

I just hope we get more strength weapons, and maybe a strength-spirit weapon (blessed by atlas or something) which astral projects your fist since juggernaut hardly got shit

What are arcanium weapons supposed to be like? is it supposed to be where you can mix-and match different magic arcanum types and get unique synergies, or something else?

I feel like vetex’s concept for them kinda changed over the years. I think for WOM the plan for them was that you could equip them to a magic and they would change the shape of spells and add m1s.
For AO I think it will work similarly to strength weapons with the double stat requirement. No idea if it’ll come with preset skills or custom skills tho

it was said once that you would assign a spell to a weapon, and depending on the weapon type it would modify the spell

Well in AA they functioned rather similarly to their standard weapon count parts, what made them stand out however was the fact that you could imbue them with one of your three magics. Of course with the introduction of conjurer/warlock this mechanic becomes kind of redundant.

In AO they were meant to be an alternative way to cast magic which would alter the spell depending on what arcanium weapon you used. (i.e Using an arcanium bow would most likely give something similar to the arrow shape stat modifier)

Unless these modifications are really significant, what would the point of taking a skill slot be when you have shapes?


It’s not there on the “who’s working on what” and Jtn mentioned it in his channel

what do you mean by channel

Cyro has the gravy base as something they were working on and it is no longer there, it was already 90% done when it was listed as something being worked on so it’s not crazy to assume that means it’s finished

Thread, same thing

can you be more specific, like discord, patreon, etc

I recall he mentioned it in the jtn doodles thread on the forums


link please?

ty (3 characters)

The tavern for Caitara was finished too. It was actually the first thing to get taken off the list, but I don’t think I’ve seen anybody mention it.

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People keep yapping in Reminders For AO and it is making me very angry. There is litterly this ENTIRE POST dedicated for yapping, and yet people choose to yap their, and I am mentally gaslit into thinking there is some new update information.
I am crying coping malding seething.
Please… Mods… Enforce Rule Sixteen and make people stop speaking yapanese…

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who the hell are you

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