Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Smh top Hubert is clearly better

they’ve been doing that

Community when no updates for 3 months

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Clan treasuries no longer being possible to withdraw galleons from means clan income sources can be balls-to-the-wall profitable without demolishing the ingame economy; so, if and when those income sources are added, those crazy prices might not be as prohibitive as they seem, especially if the income sources are tiered as well and give income proportional to the cost of defensive structures

its over guys

ask him if god revealed himself to Abraham (thus starting Judaism)

which god

McDonald’s cashier god :expressionless:

I mean people worship greek gods and “the protector” which is obviously theos

the god of Judaism Christianity and Islam it depends which one you believe but they’re called Abrahamic since it starts there

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just put the fries in the bag bro :sob:

doesnt exist in ao because its greek mythology

ok fine u got me

B-but but but but but…


What if the death of Jesus promted Prometheus to come to earth to give magic, as if he’s 2nd comming of Jesus Christ :thinking:

to be fair if the christian god doesnt exist then it wouldnt make sense for jesus to exist either since he is his son

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i guess he could have existed as a powerful oracle

I wonder if vetex will ever like…mention big “oracles” (spirit users) in history.

I just peronaly wondering how the story of Cassandra is adapted in arcane universe.


That doesnt make sense with the au world being just like ours in every way before the prometheus event

The world is exactly like ours until it conflicts with vetex’s lore