Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)


I’ll mention here, if you look closely at the Makrinaos screenshot you can see 1-4 NPCs, one even has a visible nametag.

Looks like 1 random hero/villian NPC on the top right and 3 faction npcs like the wolves bandits

Shouldn’t there just be one page for talking about this stuff instead of one to talk about them and one where you’d be justifiably afraid to use?

It was like that but cryo got mad and the thread went above the limit 3 times so we play it safe now

There is only one page for talking about this stuff, this one. Just dont yap on RFAO, that page is mainly for AO updates

Imagine it like…News board and comment section
Reminder for the AO is News Board, where news are posted
X Update Patch Notes are comments

Tbh that thread lost all it’s relevance after release, if you really want updates/news just use the discord, especially now they post patch notes. It was fine when they discussed there but now it’s just a second Twitter/uodates channel

Nahh, it is still useful, some of the posts there arent in the patch notes, discord or even twitter

nice post

Bro lives on Mercury or what? :skull:

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Hosts moving from doing epicenter parties to magic reset parties:

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it’s interesting that the magic change essence exists in lore while acrimony does not, i wonder what its story will be

Wait vetex is letting us actually figure out lore in game? Instead of just saying it to us? Big win for the theorizers

Because classes are not canon. If you want to change class, you should simply learn using new abilities, while getting rusty with your old way, until you become a savant.

I think the plant Prometheus’s acrimony is canon, but it’s affects are not.

What makes you think so?

Well its description says it’s a legendary plant in myths. I think that would be redundant if it wasn’t canon to exist. The interchange effect however can’t be canon because classes aren’t.


am I the only one who thinks 1/3 per island is too common?

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