Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Blitz is here now, yay.


FUCK! (complete sentence)

oo that sounds cool

My hopes have been kept up

watch this be just as bugged as uppercut and not get fixed for 5 consecutive updates

I’m joking, I have faith in galaga. we gotta give him leniancy for his new start

Sounds like crash from the description to me for some reason, I think I’ll have to see it in action first

It’s the teleport one. Think of a placed sphere explosion, but you teleport directly to where you place it.

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I view it as TPing upwards into a Slam Smash give how it functions on Carina.

Doesn’t seem to have auto-aim, so it’ll mean that Berserkers will have to put in a bit more effort than Mages with Array.

i wonder if this can be chained with a slam

the free damage attack but on FS!


Last time we got new skills, we got new hybrid skills as well. Has galaga made some of those as well? and if those get new skills, maybe spirit classes could as well.

Blitz into smash shockwave variant

ohhh I see

Yeah probably really strong as a skill

I wonder if it’s gonna have the distance shortened like the other strength traversal skills or if it’ll be the same distance always like the weapon teleport moves

Blitz, Slam, Uppercut, Rushdown. Repeat.


crash —> uppercut —> blitz

you get the hit with crash, blast em into the sky with uppercut, and then follow up with blitz and it’s downwards knocback

lets not talk too much about whether we can use it outside of combat for movement or not, it will be funny if it works

Strength builds finally have another tool to deal with zoners

I would assume it will have a bit more range than ethereal flash. We can be fairly certain that both blitz and the mage skill are low damaging, they seem moreso like combo moves and are deal low damage when used by a boss

movement? outside of combat? time to shatter your knees