Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

no you condescending prick I mean like ultimate arts but again

Why? We already have that.

Indeed but I dunno- Im happy for the new NPC fights (Because I feel like criminal fights could be more chaotic and crazy) but… I am afraid.

so do most npcs aside from bosses

Yeah, NPCs can use Ult Arts, I think, what about it?

i didn’t even realise that the supercharge thing is just the thing players can do by holding the button down before you said that, this makes a lot more sense now

This is also unrelated from the NPCs but… I hope the dark sea rain kinda remains broken- I know the watre poisoning argument is one of craziness BUT! You gain water poisoning from the soaked status effect, and the rain looks pretty… But it gives me more of a reason to not go in I1 for meanie mechanic!

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Please… If it isn’t too late as I am typing this… Don’t put what you are going to say in RFAO

Forumers trying not to discuss in rfao:

(Also I confused the threads. Woopsie)

Either way what I said, and then immediately deleted after reading the name of the topic, was that the damage and effects are just not worth the cooldowns. Hence why leap is so good (it actually has an effect you can feel) if the attacks had a decreased cooldown or bigger buffs, they would probably be better. (Also the blasts coming out from 5 magic circles is drippy but ergonomically it sucks)

300+ replies in just 8 hours. Was there some drama I missed?

No we just were discussing really hard

we were discussing stuff about Lord eliuses meat, we can get pretty weird here:)

Only the 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂est of discussions here on the forums.

weapon users finally get them :D

They technically already have them. Just none of them actually work yet.

not a single one is usable

Even if they were it wouldn’t matter, we don’t have the stats for them

I’m pretty sure we do