Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

lesbian women (me) winning with this one…

i think it’s a w, more player customisation is always nice

Okay, true though.

Plot twist, every non facial hair npc in the game was actually a tomboy, and they will all get boobs

poor rill

Besides, nobody can argue with the v man himself on boobs.


can’t wait to see people wearing pink maid outfit with the beard and hair of king calvus

better plot twist, every facial haired character has had boobs this whole time, including calvus

People gonna start simping for Hortensia Lurco at this rate.

The “special” thing about us the order wanted was our lack of boobs

I’d smash

I’m hoping there will only be one character who uses the boob model, and the joke is that everybody can’t stop staring


vetex is probably watching as the world burns rn :sob:
why vetex why :sob:


Don’t Tech and that other guy also have editing perms?
Vetex might not even know

Imagine how the Escaping Ravenna Castello will be for Neviro

Little bit funny how this is right below “designing a new character for makrinaos”

He has full iron armor on he can’t feel them