Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

what do we think strengths 80 point technique will be


Cannon (fist)

Cannon sounds a bit useless, ngl.
Wow, it’s blast, but walls don’t matter.
Not gonna be using that one.

extra projectile spell for the airstall!!!

what if it goes through clashes?

Think it’s just buffed single blast. Seems fair enough for an 80 magic rare spell

thats what i was thinking first reading it

or what about clan building structures?

could also be that, extra dmg to clan walls or smthn

guys they just showed boobs in patreon sneaks

Oh you only need 80 magic for it? seems alright then.


How big are they?


hear me out, make it so you can combine 2 magics and make a magic with the properties of one
combine electron and inferno and use ult art cannon for “hollow purple”

excuse me what

oh hey you can cancel quests now

they’re regular sized

Pretty legit, right?

How big are they in comparison to peroxide boobs?