Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Vetex really cooking with this update, NGL if I wasn’t annoyed by the delaying I’d say this is a top 2 update, all it needs is some Story but that’ll come soon.

Will there be a Strength skill? It’s not on the to do so I’m not sure. Would be good for hybrids if there were.

Carina tp move

The great boob arc

  • Boobs are added for npc and players with Siren Top
  • Evander’s great greatsword is added
  • Blast v2 is added (cannon)
  • New rapier skill

did i miss something?

Edit 1: @Randomness :+1:

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Evandar hasn’t been added in yet but his model and weapon are done

I really am going to have to look for an actual clan for this update aren’t I :sob:, rather than my former (and empty) bank clan.

Yknow now that I have a semi-decent PvP build I wouldn’t be opposed to joining a clan. The main issue would be ganking

missed new fstyle skill which will definitley come, seeing how we are getting a magic and wep skill

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It’s more like a new weapon entirely.

join the grand navy

even if they bullied you a little bit in the past, if you can’t beat them join them

I would sooner avoid the update than join the Navy, personally.

The ganking really isn’t as much as you’d think, even in strong clans, not unless you have like 0 pks, in which case you’re just asking to be ganked. Although if you’re planning to join a lb clan, that’s probably quite something else altogether.

I already have a gravy file :sob:

well it’s time to join it again

Then try the assassin syndicate, they’re respectable.

I get less annoyed by the ganking and more saddened from the fact that getting ganked often makes me a liability to any clan I join

I also have an assassin file :sob:

use those ones then!
If you can’t deal with clan stuff on your main file, then use an alt file.

they’re just as unrespectable as gravy bro


But i’d have to join a subclan anyway