Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Would you though?

o yeah 1 minor problem u have to have 600k to make a sub clan, renown is getting reset. I’ll probably be one of the only dudes grinding to lieutenant to make a sub clan so if ur ever invited to adventos’s subclan u know what to do

Huh, maybe being in the faction itself would be enable us to build… though I’d face the problem of having incredibly shallow pockets :sob:


People don’t realize due to how big the gravy and ass are, because the servers match players to people in their clan now, there will be entire servers filled with gravys


On the plus side this means the gravy servers will have like meme gigabases on random islands

Wouldn’t that apply only to subclans? Gravy and assyn, by themselves don’t have infamy, so wouldn’t they not be sent to clan servers?

Why wouldn’t they? Clan servers are meant to let clan players battle between each other without obscuring normal players, infamy isn’t a requirement for renown ganking.

But only players from clans with 25k+ infamy are sent to clan servers, everyone else goes to normal ones

Oooh that’s true.

This update might be on par with the dark sea, am quite excited for island building mostly and that cannon spell

I’m- I’m just so happy :face_holding_back_tears:


I know people have been posting parts of it, but I don’t know if anyone has posted the whole thing yet so here it is

The cannon spell sounds kinda neat.

vetex please add more shotgun skills PLEASE mountain wind isnt enough

Cannon fist warlock with only 1 spell (cannon)

It needs 4x ship damage, then we’ll talk.

Wait you can use mountain wind? Weird, anyways I heard somewhere that guns were getting 3 skills, or atleast that was the OG plan, not sure if this was changed already but I think so since there’s a rare gun now

But with only one ammo type it would probably be easier to create skills like an exploding bullet or something

On one hand
more player expression!!!

on the other hand

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