Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)


Hubba hubba…

All I came up with was this.

also this build is lightning so you can cosplay as monsoon from mgrr

the build is just as annoying as his fight is so it works pretty well

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Oops I made one with a small focus in power too

Oops! We did it again!

What am I gonna do with this dumb plasma mage build now that intensity’s being reworked and probably won’t be useful in this quantity?

If I try to make it anything else, it’s a decrease in other stats.

I could do that, that’s pretty nice.

I dunno.

Why are we posting builds here now :sob:

wind mages negating an entire by pressing shift:
(everyone else can go fck themselves)

basically 1 in every 50 or more players, everybody else is permanently combat-tagged

its their fault for not using the superior magic :yawning_face:

They won’t shut up about how broken intensity rework is despite it not being out yet

Death sentence

the issue of that is that it’d be an absurd amount of work and unique effects for a singular stat. Agility affects a single constant among all players, that being the momentum of their dashes and T jumps, along with jump height and walkspeed. Intensity affects (purely) magic in various different ways differing between every single magic type. Aside from, again, Intensity only affecting magic (I think maybe two fighting styles are slightly affected?), it’s effects are too varied compared to agility to give threshold buffs to.

You’d need to come up with something for each magic, because it affects each magic differently. Ice? It applies freezing for longer. Snow? It applies snowy for longer, and the piles are bigger. Fire? It applies burn for longer, adds additional damage, and (I think) burns more terrain. Earth? It gives more rubble (?). You’d need to come up with a threshold change for every single one of those effects listed, and even more for the other magic forms with different effects, because unlike agility (which didn’t need the buff anyway), Intensity doesn’t do one universal thing between every single build.

And that’s another issue: It’s completely inconsistent with all other stats in the game when it comes to impact. It doesn’t even do anything for Warriors, for one thing, but it also doesn’t do one universal thing for all builds. It’s much better for the stat to instead be changed to affect all builds universally with an effect rather than come up with various changes to each magic (and ignore warriors).


It doesn’t affects your casting speed, only cooldown of the spell itself. You will be as slow as always, but will be able to repeat the same attack more usually.

But yeah, this shit probably gonna make pvp unplayable for another half of the year.

Well well welll…2 days in a row

yea sure let’s add more effects onto the titular “Outlier RPG stat that has a bunch of ideas the dev wanted to add but realised it would be too many stats to add on their own so they just put it alll into one stat with a bunch of unrelated effects”

put this in shitposting odyssey

Well that’s why I said it’s revamped bc instead of affecting how fast it takes to cast, it affects how long it takes before u can cast again

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