Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

RfAO right now reminds me of my classmates, because apparently the Venn Diagram between them and RfAO posters shows a similarity in terms of not being able to stfu.

Anyway, I don’t care as much about whether or not Intensity’s rework or the new jewel effects will screw with the meta, but more so that the yellow fist isn’t a complete tumor on some otherwise good armor pieces now and that there’s now a reason to use Amplified or Enhanced scrolls on stuff other than ship parts.

only downside i see of the og effects turning to gems is that id actually need to do more stuff to get that og playstyle back (get gem reagents)

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I think that is an actual valid downside to the change, getting builds in this game is crazy annoying

modifiers (please make other modifier essences vetex):

back in my day intensity used to be for weapons (it was strength but shhhhhh)

Also finally energy regen has a contender

intensity done went from only useable with weapons to absolutely useless with weapons

Well when you put it that way I like it.

oh hey intensity actually makes sense on Argos’s armor now, sick.

rate the hypothetical sand conj build

us sand users can finally create “sandstorms” in a sense just by flinging sand constantly with high inten

Now all we need is “Darude” as a first name.

elaborate please
nvm i see now


93 intensity hopefully won’t even be storming the beaches of normandy

Oops! All one joke about a feature we can’t predict quite yet

honestly yeah 93 shouldn’t be able to whip up some saharan mega storm

Anyways FINALLY intensity has a chance for usage

It’s kinda a dry scene, without that one, Piercing is the only odd niche in there, and nobody likes piercing because it only applies to defense and blocking, and not overall health.

If we’re gonna be making the gems more PVP based, let’s full-rework piercing and resistance while we’re at it.