Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

I doubt fleets will have building though T_T

Me who likes Sun Caraway because its a pretty flower:

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now look man that +1 tier is one of the most valuable things in the game

if only potions and food didn’t share the fucking identical agile effect


Hmm, yeah, thats true too. And the idea of building sounds very fun

I feel like it’s definitely getting a rework cause there’s barely any flat ground on there to build on. Either that or we’ll be able to build platforms.

i wonder if gravy and ass will get something in this update

for example back in AA (from what i remember) you could summon fleets as a high gravy member

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Are we gonna get automatic cannons like Silverhold and Fort Talos have? Can’t wait to make it so nobody ever steals my pumpkins from Harvest Island ever again

Vetex said he was gonna add the nimbus sea bases for the Grand Navy and Assassin Syndicate in this update. I doubt he’ll have time if the update is coming out in June though

Maybe we’ll have to station our crew there for it to be automatic.

i meant new/same features as clan building instead of new bases

Clan building will be fire

Airdrops directly on top of Sarloveze’s Farm with a skyship in a debatably silly way.

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god I wish explosive barrels could be dropped from skyships


For islands and bases and stuff vetex actually has people to help

I think it will be fine as long as he doesn’t make another Sameria sized island💀

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I’ve never played in a clan, and I don’t really want to, so I don’t really think the Empires Update will affect me much.

But yeah it’s a nice addition.

I highly doubt Empires is dropping this month. Earliest I can guess is maybe mid July. Unless he already said it’s dropping in June

eh, he’s made a building system before, shouldn’t take too long. A few new islands also won’t take that long

He’s also gotta add the minibosses for the new bases though.

I used to play in a Clan, because I ran into the owners and were super nice. But after the renown changes with Clans, I left. It was a good thing too, cause Im pretty sure I wouldve been hunted way more than I already was back then. The owners did say that it was alright if I left at any point so yeah.

I could consider rejoining… but that was on a file that I havent touched in ages ago. I didnt interact with the Clan itself much either, I just knew the owners