Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

You want it to look like this?

No, you would mount it on top of the front log (idk what it’s called) with stilts on the back to point it straight. Or in the figurehead slot

no hear me out, arcanium railgun
it channels your magic and fires a massive beam of it at once, rocking your boat in the opposite direction and spending all your magic in your magic storage, dealing more damage based off how much it spends relative to max. it also flashes your screen (and the screen of anyone looking at it) the color of the magic
holy shit i should suggest this


How are you gonna say it’s a siege weapon and put it on the mast?

Me firing my ship of the line with 3 arcanium lasers:

he means the bow not the mast you goober

that would rock your boat enough to flip it over dawg :sob:

Seige weapons don’t need to be in a specific location.,??

Ohhhh the stick on the front, seems flimsy.

There’s a designated spot on the ship for a mortar, it’s in the mortar spot.
You aim it from there.

If you get five you do a backflip!

turret in the middle of the deck?

They’re called siege weapons because you can sling the ammo into the air and have it fall back down, making it easy to use for siege.

Ok but the mortars are just one type of seige weapon. It’s entirely possible we get more later.

they’re called siege weapons because they were powerful weapons that are commonly used when engaging in a siege in order to provide heavy advantages and potentially end the siege quickly

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isn’t this just the Gaon Cannon from the Thousand Sunny?

please vetexxx i won’t stop begging till this is added now :grin: i want a Gaon Cannon Siege Weapon to add to the front of the ship.


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Also I think a Death Star laser could probably break a wall of a city

I haven’t gotten that far in one piece :shushing_face:

oh crap i’m sorry :sob:

whoop dee doo nothing to see here.

it’s called the bowsprit