Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

yeah i recognized that after I made the edit :skull:

I think you might be onto something here…

My god somebody actually replied to rfao correctly… this is a historic occasion!

Considering the new cannon spell it might be a little redundant to just have a blast spell scroll just for ancient magics.

its a CANNON event batman!

What if instead of each magic having a specific ult, there would instead be 3 types of ults, each one split across the magics like reflex types are? so fast magics would all share and ult, average speed magics would share theirs, and slow magics would share theirs.

never cook again
tbh just further buff ult startup, dmg, size, and visuals and we good

Woah, I was replaying to new information. This is a false arrest

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that’d be boring, it’s cooler to be able to make any spell an ultimate, the current system might just need a buff, not a replacement

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Woah! false info!

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I’m also fine with the current ult system, but we could use another “stronger variant” thing.

Yeah, here you go.

i want to make an ultimate art elemental spell, it’d be great

arm just becomes really big

I like the sound of elementals.

Ultimate Art: Neon Cat!



vine traps you repeatedly stun locking you due to high ping

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the font for the insanity message during that magic reset looks funny
how it was then
how it is normally

the MC has bipolar disorder confirmed

Knockoff iron leg
Screenshot 2024-08-24 205629

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What if I use metal magic for it?