Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Cant wait for metal arcanium (it’s just a normal weapon)

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mages: rare spells
zerkers: rare techniques
conjurers: :frowning:
warlocks: some rare spells and techniques
oracles: :frowning:

Mages complaining about having nothing soecial when they are the only class able to use rare spells is crazy

im actually excited for cannon cause its magic 80, meaning that +200 is 280 meaning rn we can use the ult art for it

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mages have lost spells and magic shapes

beserkers have embodiments and lost techniques

conjurers get extreme edge

warlocks get extreme edge

oracles aren’t funny

in the future the exclusive things for those builds will be, respectively:
ancient magic/spells
ancient techniques/fstyles
arcanium weapons
jack shit
cooler spirit weapons i guess?

also all hybrid builds get the super exclusive imbuement mechanic

As a metal conjurer I exclusively use blunt objects idk what you are talking about

they get up to losts along with every other hybrid

and it’s much more than “a second magic” or “idk get like 10% extra size”. People are heavily underselling how big imbuements are

old trello picture vs newer forum post
who will win

Hybrids will get ancients as well, but instead of both losts and ancients they can only choose between one or the other


Which is totally not gonna get put in the corner by savants second awakening


which is exactly what savants get that is actually unique compared to anything else (and doesn’t exist yet)

And also fighting builds aren’t getting ancient styles, they’re getting upgrades, right?

You know what? if that’s true, I like it more, I thought it was weird that they get ancients.

I believe that is the latest concept for late game fighting styles yes