Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Vetex changes his mind on things sometimes so I wouldn’t be too sure

(electron conj)

zerkers can upgrade lost fstyles to ancient iirc
hybrids cant upgrade losts to ancient they max out at lost

as evidenced with that post, but true

Not really upgraded to ancient, just upgraded

i prob shouldnt type 3 different posts in a row but…
have you considered
plasma magic?

Surely the tier you can upgrade to is dependent on your level

If you’re at level 600 in fighting maybe you can get it to like 4/6, meanwhile 1200 fighting gets 6/6

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have you tried

commodore kai’s sabre?

yeah upgraded a base lost fstyle to ancient
each can be upgraded one tier
i assume upgraded basic combat is brute strength (it better be vetex i want my red mist build)

The katana isn’t the issue here.

yeah i assume ancients would have such a high level only pure builds could use them, the way warriors have some ‘exclusive’ weapons rn

Plasma arcanium katana

I swear to god if fighting style upgrading is just replacing basic combat with a knockback/size based style I will be mad.

Yeah but electron is cooler

knockback style already exists and so does size, it’ll probably just be extra damage

conjurers probably arcanum weapons

It will be literally an upgrade. There won’t be a reason to use basic if you have access to brute strength

Again they’re not going to ancient, they’re just simply being upgraded.

We aren’t upgrading base fs into lost ones, we’re just upgrading them. Same applies for lost fs upgrades. Stop saying this when it’s wrong.

But Brute Strength is knockback/size!!!

Teal and red dont match well together idk