Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

But you can still get radius fist.

NO, NOT THIS AGAIN (full sentence)

Basic combat is already obsolete given the existence of sailor fist, heck, the games progression is centered around replacing old stuff for new stuff.

ingame purposes bro

u were there when i had that argument earlier you already know my points

Basic is literally good, shut up.

basic is sailor but trades size+soaked for not having a gimmick

Yeah it doesnt discard their existence.

Stocksounds is gonna go apeshit when they find out about old weapons vs iron weapons vs Ravenna weapons

Yeah it’s good, but sailor fist is just straight up better.

That’s different, those weapons are exactly the same but better. Fighting Styles are unique in their own ways

And brute strength is the same but better.

smh :skull_and_crossbones: they exist in game but when au gets turned into books mr warmonger (us) wont be studying a scroll to learn storm magic or whatever

It’s literally a knockback + size based style, you’re in denial.

Yes. It’s buffed basic. Just like Ravenna weapons are buffed iron.

No, you can literally see it as an imbuement, and it adds drastic size and knockback.

I think the knockback is from the special boss attacks

You can also use the halberd and it doesn’t do that.

upgraded basic would give stat increases

brute strength would be the size and knockback+maybe some stat increases

Alright brute strength is upgraded boxing are you happy now

where are the gloves