Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

I hope people discover some silly glitch that lets us set up floating bases

your life is forfeit, mr AI.

Replace that shit with an actual image now…

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Ima not get into the ethics of AI but he’s only using it to meme so I don’t see no issue with it

the day that we as a whole accept ai images in any way outside of background posters in a video game is the day we regress by a step.

“Give them an inch and they’ll give your grandma”

not to burst your bubble i was being ironic :sob:
majority of us, including me aren’t mad about the change because i spend some of my time on ao hunting people in clans for infamy anyways

i aint even gonna lie to you my clan has 4 members and the server has ~60 visitors rest are unverified i guarantee i know who you’re talking about and they’re not in neptune in it’s entirety

also you’re the same guy who feels entitled enough to egotrip all over my acquaintances because “i own a big pvp server and these people are randoms” or “oh i’m a youtuber and they’re not”

shut the fuck up

ok let’s keep out the drama in reminders for ao discussion thread we don’t need to have the yapping thread require deleted posts

didn’t even realise what thread i’m in mb all :sob:

idk if ai generated images count as art or not, but iirc it steals off of several artists’ work to train itself (which is why some images look odd)

I could be wrong though, I don’t know anything about AI so take it with a grain of salt.

About clan building, have the factions ever been stated to be able to build?

part of me finds the irony of a thread that was created because of the original being flooded with drama and way too many posts needing moderation action because of drama extremely funny as a possibility to potentially see, but the rest of me also wants cryonical to retain sanity

There is no copyright to AI art so it doesn’t really matter how it’s generated. What matters is how it’s used.

Anyways, Ima not talk about this anymore because I don’t want any issues.

What do you mean by steal here, cause this sounds like something an actual artist would do just to practice, looking at an example of art to help them improve their own.

I don’t know, I remember some mod (not on the forums) abhorring AI art for this exact reason.

(psst I wanna kidnap John vasquez and bring him to claw… we should build the GN and AS bases ourselves!!)

Just looked into this, from what I’ve read (some) artists hate it because it imitates their art to an extent. It’s also quite uhm, soulless and I don’t think seeing an AI make bland imitations of your art with your artstyle is very cool but ig its not that bad in this case.

Well it’s less “hm, so this is how I draw / do X” and more of crude mimicry of multiple artstyles mushed into one combo generally speaking


Don’t get me wrong I understand the lack of the human understanding of things, but this seems to be hardly more stealing than an artist doing that.

I’ll give another allegory here: it’s like tracing the art of several people and claiming it as your own.

christ the project moon sleeper agent joke is true the moment I saw this word I felt the urge to make a Red Mist joke.

but anyways I feel like we should stop with a discussion on the ethics of ai (it’s a bad thing, lmao) in a post that’s about discussing what is posted in Reminders For AO (4)

I want. To kidnap. The receptionists. To make my own GN/AS base.

It doesn’t work like that you don’t set up police/criminal bases by kidnapping said organization’s receptionists

me after kidnapping the receptionist of my local police station (I will become the law rahhhhhhhhh)