Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

final boss of all doomposters :sob:

I miss it

yea on a random island in a random sea…

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I wouldnt be mad if vetex reuses the entirety of woms map for just like one sea

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I like to be optimistic, but I’m not gonna pretend like I have a good feeling about clan island building without the civilization tab or archipelagos.

but we ARE getting the civilization tab bro you have to be baiting otherwise im gonna start to think you have brain hemorrhage


will the tab really be that influential to the overall update.

it’s a clan update, isn’t it? plus, i doubt it’ll take that long to implement

Not a peep of guard NPCs, shops, blah blah, none of it,

because vetex hasnt started on it yet??? is your name karen by any chance

if it dosnt make it he could just do a mini update like a couple days
after the update comes out with the civilization tab

Does debating whether Vetex will finish his update warrant this?

its not a debate at all, im correct and youre wrong and thats that

Civilizations tab is literally listed as a higher priority than evander :sob:

If someone names any village or whatever we get this update tyberia or winterveil I will be the frist one to nuke it

true evander is nothing!!!

to be fair evander is pretty much done already (his design is finished and he looks awesome, plus colossal cleave is already done too)

like most of the stuff that could be vetex going “offtopic” were made by others

evander is peak though :money_mouth_face: