Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

WHAT??? this confirmed???

what what’s the order of ships we’re getting? i thought galleon was next

idk it’s been a minute since i checked trello and it’s not really updated

idk i thought in the message he said an instanced room

no if this list is still accurate plus vetex said in qna it was frigate it would be frigate

i found this on the wiki, but there’s a discord message somewhere i remember seeing

so we’ll be getting it in around 3-4 updates?

(Empires, Update after brings up to 175, probably a filler update, then 180+ Level Cap story update?)

This is so real :frsleepin:

Thats… only completely terrible? Tell me that’s not true.

Ok BUT, free teleport when somebody’s hunting you, just lock em out!

ai ships can barely be brigs already :sob: why would optimization be bad?

in what way would that be terrible :sob:

i don’t think it’s really a bad thing, just stuff like the Underwater and Empires update that add lots of content with a lesser story focus

i think it’s good if it’s done somewhat seamlessly

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I am not talking about optimization, I’m talking about gameplay. That is the worst idea in the history of Arcane Odyssey since deckhands before they were updated.

Imagine fighting somebody on their ship but OHP- oh no, they teleported to an alternate dimension inside their ship too bad so sad, you have to blindly go into the same small space to get them, and completely risk a quick and easy kill for them.

when has fighting on ships ever worked :sob: also ao wasnt made for pvp

It wasn’t made FOR PvP, but it was made WITH PvP.

Yeah deserved for hunters. If you wanna ambush somebody on THEIR OWN SHIP then you deserve what you get

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kid named captains cabin doing the same thing

plus isn’t fighting someone in the first place a risk?

And you’d be completely disconnected from the outside world while inside your ship’s pocket dimension. Somebody on your ship? You wouldn’t know.

The shit you all sayin’ got Edward Kenton in Palo Town.