Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

listen dawg not everyone has the super uber gaming pc that you do, we need SOME optimization

Ok? that has to be the funniest thing ever though so I dont care

Ok, what’s the issue. Camping? Just run away or go back in. Ganking? You aren’t expecting that anyway.

heh im gonna hid in the cabin then attack…

Cant wait for a wind mage to randomly send people into orbit whenever they leave their cabin lmao

In theory it sounds like a decent optimization tactic, and a way to make it plausible, but in practice, it creates a huge unnecessary disconnect from one part of your ship and the rest.

ultimate art: go away

speaking of, cant wait to hide in the void outside of my captains quarters

yea tp reflex could def get you out…

You haven’t SEEN it in practice you dunce

I’m not saying I’ve seen it in action, I’m just thinking it through. It sounds better on paper.

Ok, you are saying hypothetically it sounds better, but hypothetically it’s also a bad idea, since it’s currently hypothetical?

ok but taking your previous points into account:
“unnecessary disconnect” well yeah you’re kind of inside of your ship so obviously you don’t know what’s going on on deck
“possible free kill for the guy you’re hunting” maybe just make it so you cant enter in combat

bro how does the yap thread have too much fucking yapping

Fine, I’m saying you’re not thinking this the whole way through, and it sounds like a shitty idea.

Five. Thousand. Replies.


Yeah, but there are fixes to the shitty aspects. Abandoning a decent idea because of a couple flaws that can be fixed will result in none of the cool features vetex wants ever being added.

the doomposting is going wild

Whatever, I’ll be sticking with a brig.