Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

You said you would stick with Brig because “ship combat doesn’t matter and cabins are worse”

“ship combat doesnt matter” mfs when i use my charged heavy bronze mortar with chainshot and heavy exploding shells

I said that’s one of many issues other than just the obvious, but I don’t even know how to describe the obvious to you without it sounding like I’m babying you.

Do I need to post that one epic rap battle of history here?

i will never stick to old ships because i like big boats

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ok describe all of the issues to me in bulletpoints then

Ok then, baby us. Explain your perfect thought process that makes total sense.

I genuinely don’t know how. It’s just too simple to describe. The way it’s not even close to the same point in space maybe?

“ship combat matters” mfs when i jump onto their ship and kill them

you know it could just be… under the map?

You mean in the water? Technical-wise that’d be underwater.

Way too simple to describe goes crazy

under the rock that’s under the water
and you know vetex could just make another area for that the way the sky is a new area?

Screenshot 2024-08-30 205338
I was gone for AN HOUR

And vetex would’ve gotten rid of said pvp if it wasn’t this games life support

are we still talking about ships? what about under the map i’m so lost

Ok, you can’t say a gut feeling is simple and understandable to literally anything but you. Describe the color red without comparing it to something else

Apparently putting the cabin where the game has nothing but water is a good idea.

putting a cabin under the map? wdym