Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

stocksounds thinks it would be a technical issue to have instanced ship interiors when they could just be put under the map

Or above

instanced interiors, like at work at a pizza place

The fluidity of the gameplay would go from 100% couldn’t be better to full 0 for the sake of having a bigger boat.

i don’t see how that would be an issue
i also don’t see why we would need instanced ship interiors

No, there’s water there.

Vetex would have to add like, 5 lines of code tops to make the ocean cut off under a certain point.

reason given i believe was optimization


Not true, not true at all.
The water physics are probably the most complicated thing in the game I can think of.

ah yes vetex cant do anything about the water expanding downwards infinitely even if he’s the guy who made the game

i- nevermind i’m just gonna go back to lurking have fun yall

Yes, literally just say
If [height variable] <= [desired cut off]
Set [water variable] to false.

And that’s assuming like, the most roundabout way to program it

Me too, I’m out of here. You’ve all been pissing on me since I showed up, and for what? To stop me from voicing what I think about an unconfirmed feature?

dosnt the water already stop at a point

I don’t think it does.

i cant handle the ramble anymore bro :sob:
im hopping off ao discussion about a feature that’ll take 2 years to get implemented

yeah it stops below the ocean floor i’d assume but anyways i should really hop off

Well nah, because of abyss structures

Aight I’m also gonna hop off

GYATTT clap clap clap clap DATTEBAYYOOOO