Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

You are aware the main reason those islands were added was treasure charts right? Otherwise they would’ve had more thought and effort in them

I made an entire thread discussing how much I love ice chunks in the sea.
What do you mean I can’t see the other side?

Why did you think I was referring specifically to you?

I haven’t seen a single other person berated like me.

Optie, the entire ao is cooked thread, etc.
You are not the main character, there are hundreds of similar arguments happening constantly. Just because you mainly experience the ones involving you, does not mean those are the only ones.

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But you see my confusion though, right?
Especially when I’ve been called a doomposter three times just this evening?

Yeah I was abt to say, so many people talk negatively about the game not just you Stock :sob:

Well, I’m not seein’ em.

Idk how but okay

it’s not like it matters anyway


idk maybe I’m just not clicking on stuff that says “this game dyin as heck”

Over 280 replies dear heavens

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This is the patch note discussion thread on the arcane odyssey forums, this is the WORST place to complain about update schedules. This is where all the mega-fans dwell :sob::sob::sob:

does shell island straight up not exist to you

Inner Connection Part 2:

Nah, sailor fist quest is mandatory
(Mommy caria :drooling_face:)
(Or am I?)

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okay but like it isnt even centered the town, like you just go there and meditate in some cave, I dont count that as a section really


Well I do.