Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

I swear, each time I come back to this forum I see people somehow finding the most stupid, dogshit, unimportant minor things to criticize vetex


Yeah I have no idea why people seem to underestimate his abilities as a dev just because of 2 updates. The rest were fine, this will be fine. If vetex flops with this update too, maybe you guys will have a point, but if you refuse to acknowledge the game is headed in a good direction with updates, why are you even here?



Skill issue, im part of the tf2, deepwoken, and chess fan bases. I’ve been content fasting for 800 years, I can hold out another month.

agreed, the forum gets weird when no content


:frpensive: :frpensive: :frpensive:

How good it would feel to have a QoL mini update so empires can be finished and we can have all this stuff.

QoL is NOT content, do not get it confused. We need any amount of content just so we can be normal again. Vetex better be cooking with this next patch note, and by cooking I mean the release.

Small Update would beg to differ

i wouldn’t mind if the empires update took until november or even december to finish, i don’t want things rushed

hes probably adding shieldguard, so it will likely still take a while

That has content (sunkens, deckhand rework, etc)

Oh, and we don’t already have content? Losts, Makrinaos, Evander

What? We have content. I assumed you meant specifically all the qol features excluding the content

It’d be nice if it got a lil revamp though but yeah I wouldn’t mind

2 updates? Dude this entire year has been so dry I’m so sorry :sob:

MAYBE? If this update flops there would be a definitive point proven for how Vetex updates AO. I don’t think it’ll flop, I just think this year was a series of unfortunate events for AO updates

I mean no one is going to glaze the game 24/7, the forum is for discussing the good and bad about the game

The magic council (clan) vs the magic council (kingdom)

We deserve more town islands.

Palo town is the only town island without a story section, and it also carries a recurring character, navy executions, and a style mentor.

I’m not saying those are bad things, but it’s the only island that exists for a reason other than story.

Please Nimbus is so boring, enough with the wilderness islands.

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This is the keyword. Yet both sides refuse to acknowledge the other one, it’s either “ao is dying it’s joever” or “ao is a perfect game with 0 flaws and empires will make it more popular than blox fruits”

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