Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Which part won’t vetex do?

I do, why do you think I want it?
Seriously though they can just reduce it or something. I wanna be able to drag people away using my pulsar!

So if Gravity isn’t going to be a wind clone, what’ll be the knockbacker lost magic?
Apocalypse is the Ancient Magic.

Slash id assume,
Although slash just being fancy wind is kinda boring

Slash is of course going to be bleed. Why would slash be knockback?

Cuz it’s wind.

I hope it’s bleed too tbh

There’s a fair enough chance that Storm could have knockback.

It’s not wind, it’s slash.
It’s made of slashes, not wind.

No, it’s
“Wind concentrated into a hail of slashes”
If I recall correctly
I think it’s just galebreathe tbh

If that’s what it is, then it’s still not going to do knockback just because it’s made of fast air.

I’m giving my wind mage file whatever does knockback (probably storm) and wave, wave’s funny.

completely change the effect like that

@Mr_hyperspace whoops, replied to myself

Ok but I have this thread on watching so it doesn’t matter

it’s “a bright green energy that is reminiscent of wind, but can cut through objects and people easily”

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yes but people will think i’m crazy

maybe sound magic? it seems like knockback would fit for it

Sounds more like size and destruction to me.

Nah, the Ancient Magic would probably be pressure magic

Both I guess then. I’m not sure if pressure is really like that at all, in real life that is.