Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

try amphibious bloom, they should work

The whirlpool is much smaller and also lasts shorter

eh, it’ll work

besides, 10 seconds or not, you’ll still be able to get away on your ship

how come vetex hasn’t made a ‘just a big slash infront of your character’ weapon skill?
it seems like the easiest thing to make

Please don’t give warrior even better CQC :sob: , I bought 1000 berserker stocks before they plummeted and I’ll never recover from this :sob:

skill issue
should’ve been one of Apollo’s oracles

I feel like that its just overall problems with all potions in all the games.
“Its rare, i should keep it till when i need it” - and then completes the game without even using that potion

Its probelm of merchant deckhands.

Vetex: Instead of fixing merchnat exploit that litteraly breaks the value of stuff, i will fix the ‘bug’ that lets player easily upgrade their deckhands if they have any gems (AND THIS STILL DOES’NT WORK CAUSE YOU CAN JUST SERVER HOP :sob: )

im almost a suggestor and i had ingenious idea for a way to use otherwise useless materials such as these

revamp weapons m1s into that or bring back heavy attacks :smiley:
also whirlwind

if my targets goes in water, i summon the shark army

I’ve seen clips of people doing that, using sharks to kill players that try to hunt them. It’s pretty funny, I’m ngl.

gel effects don’t count against your 2 effect limit, and i think healing potions don’t either because they’re instant unless healing exhaustion counts against you

Healing exhauation counts.

I wasnt aware that gels didnt count.

Put this in tier 3 chat so its only fair I put it here too

How long till clan building update
  • 1 Week :money_mouth_face:
  • 2 Weeks :sunglasses:
  • 3 Weeks :neutral_face:
  • 1 Month :cold_face:
  • Over 1 Month :skull:
0 voters

watchu think folks


I have 34% because I’m correct

there is a tier 3 chat?

oh right that one

I mean these are supposed to be monthly updates, so I’d assume it’ll come out at the absolute latest July 20th

new armor!

The top right one looks like those cloaks that some characters in Fallout 1/2 wore (Aradesh and Goris).

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