Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

I’d rather potions just become much stronger (in throwable and drinkable form)

like, if I throw a burn potion at someone, I wanna see them take like 50 per tick!

I’m pretty sure AA potions were on this level of strong

yeah, and they were even less used, because instead of making them, you had to buy them from a shop, and they didn’t save if you left

my lap froze for like 10 minutes once :skull:

Power potions are not worth it as typically you’d have 1 gel effect, and save the other effect slot for healing. Healing potions arent that expensive, and even if someone with no levels in potionmaking crafts them they still easily heal for 500, which is usually more than enough.

As mentioned earlier, all Pvp players need good builds to pvp. Logically they have a brig to go to insanity range 1, and probably have a fair amount of galleons from grinding the enchants for their build. I’d actually say that pvp players have more galleons for clans than pve ones, simply due to the fact that most of them are in large clans and thus large banks), and also from the sheer amount of time they spend on the game.

As for the youtuber thing - you ended your responce to my other post with a snarky, passive aggresive comment. I responded in kind. The intent wasnt a personal attack on your character, if it were received as such.

I use gels and potions and meals a lot of times when I hunt people

Burning 5 gel is very easy to get btw, and very underrated

Bro this is an issue

they kinda are though?
this is all i have from 100 hours of pure open world (I may or may not have used some, but I’m 100% sure it doesn’t go above 100 lifebloons).
14 healing 3 pots. I bet i could use them all in 20 minutes of constant fighting

can farm them with merchant deckhand

oh I didn’t know, thats kinda broken

I once got jumped by a light mage with insanity gels. I was unable to see but fortunately as an aoe knight I didn’t need eyesight to play the game

well actually it might’ve been nerfed into the ground i dont really remember if that happened or not

I got a genius idea: remove the potion effect cap, and instead limit it to just 1 gel type at a time

I always keep a hotbar worth of cancerous potions that all the pvpers complain about

Love 5 gel, slowness 5 gel, gale nova 4 and the rest I forgot but it’s probably stuff like invisibility 3+ and healing 4

gale nova won’t work too well, what I recommend is gale 5 elixirs, potentially golden or silver

those things send you flying up so high that if you airstall you could straight up confuse a pvper to the point of not knowing where you went, let alone you just moving far enough away that you land like 7 dashes away

the nova is probably for summoning whirlpools under people’s ship

its time people regret shtting on my merchants

I also have a merchant deckhand but he sells useless stuff 99% of the time since i can’t bother to keep rejoining over and over

yeah the reload dont even reset their stocks anymore :frowning:

I use it for summoning whirlpools, since it literally traps them and from there it’s a free kill

Aeroplasts are not cheap though so I’d rather use them on whirlpool pots