Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)


That’s so true

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we went from which country azura’s based on to iris’s nationality to shit about america to tf2 demoknight weapons to british based flags

GOD i hope they stop dealing so much dmg, FS are the most unbalance, pain in the ass, unfun things, there is no way that every class at 100 power (100 just being a given example btw) to deal around 200ish dmg, and here fs almost dealing 400 dmg

they have no problems to reach people, they can come in and kill you fast, or atleast if they dont deal 300 dmg as their weakest attack, they have a dps so fast that might as well kill someone afk in 3 seconds

the only type of class that i can think of coming any close to FS is size warrior, and even then they need a bug to come close, the only bad one is cannon fist and i wont be surprise that the only reasaon the basic one isnt used is bc its balance, every elysium is populated by fs classes and the only reason there are so many pvpheads with it is bc its the meta

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The thermo fist in question:

(It is getting a buff next update though so that’s nice)

Still, most people here have a bad habit of generalizing every user of a specific element into “metamancing.” just because magma mage is meta, doesn’t mean wood mage is. If people just complain about one stat as a whole, that’s how we get situations like thermo fist, where it’s assumed it’s still meta and needs a nerf long after it’s balanced. I get sailord and boxing and probably basic are all really good right now, but a rework should specifically change how fighting styles work, not nerf or buff them intentionally.

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thermo fist dps being so good u can speedrun people:

Bro that is NOT true
That calvus video was from like a year ago when thermo could preheat and got a damage buff from heat.

have u fought any decent thermo guy? they can do well with it, good players can do very good with thermo, and very good pvpers can do extremely good with thermo, there is a reason why a lot of FS users are thermo or sailor, they are very good with multiple builds, u can slap the worse magic as a warlock and still be good if u use thermo, that how good thermo dps is

This guy doesn’t use thermo I’m calling it
I have a thermo jugg (yes I use imbue so the damage is normal) and the dps is ATROCIOUS. A good player in ao can make anything seem op, but that’s not because it’s meta, it’s because of skill. Thermo fist is the fighting style equivalent of light, except half the time it’s speed is BELOW average. I’m basically exiling that thermo file to the shadow realm for now because it’s barely playable in combat.

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thermo jugg, doesnt deal good dmg, cant take advantage of thermo speed, this isnt the point u want to make

One, thermo jugg can take advantage of both of these things if you have a bit of regen

Two, you contradicted yourself considering thermo jugg rn is literally just lighting warlock

Thermo JUGG is a problem, thermo Warlock or Berserker is pretty good.

No I don’t think you get my point, it’s not thermo isn’t alright, it’s that it isn’t the ultimate god killing tool this guy claims it to be, I played thermo warlock before, and yeah sure it’s a bit better than jugg. But clearly this guy doesn’t understand the skill needed to properly utilize thermo fist, and just thinks it’s braindead spamming and instakill everyone.

I think it’s braindead spamming though.

My brother in thermo do you WANT it to be nerfed again? It was balanced like 2 updates ago and they kept nerfing it more and more. Thermo can work with mindless spamming, but utilizing it to the point this guy seems to think it’s skill floor is, requires incredibly fast aim and reaction times. Take the mindless spamming to elysium and see how far it gets you against a competent thermo user.

It’s getting a slight win in the next update though. No more added heat loss out of combat.

Yeah exactly. But instead of acting like this will make thermo meta, the appropriate response is thinking it will be balanced again.

Also I refuse to continue this argument with specifically you since this will inevitably turn into something about the color taupe idk in about 200 messages

And with a friendly bear until they show me PROOF they have a thermo file and understand how it works.

I kind of like it more with the inability to gain heat out of combat. Thermo is about keeping that meter up, not building heat before you enter combat.

Shush we need to prevent another yapsplosion

Idk if I am just stupid or something, but updates usually come out on Fridays so,
One of these dates in September probably