Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

update comes out September 31st


why using 2 pronouns interchangeably bro

My goals are beyond your understanding

any of your actions are beyond anyone’s understanding

Including my own :pensive:

*educated guess

im guessing sep 20 at 3pm est, game will shutdown at 2pm est

The only reason I’m excited for Thermo being able to build heat out of combat again is because it means I don’t need to get in a fight just to take a picture of my character with the full-heat Thermo pose. In actual 1v1s I think preheating should go.

Yeah, I think the actual heat gain currently is fine, I just think thermo should get more of a buff at high heat. Specifically to damage, since right now it only increases speed and by a small amount at that

Sharzies… :point_right::point_left:

Nah, the sacred order of the leak is open to very few…

Cmon :(‎

Gimme a sunken sword :smiling_imp:

I dont even have any sunkens

Then no leak for you

Plss :pleading_face:

Get me a sunken then

Get on dat fishing grindset

Why are u so greedy

Because if I wasn’t the mods would crush my skull

I believe my forums account is worth 1 (one) sunken sword