Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

meta said that atk size is more skilfull than atk speed, i dont think he is a reliable source, but dont worry elysium and in general pvp groups are full of fs and mostly sailor and thermo, again i dont need to play a size warrior to know that its broken, i dont need to play a mage to know that the best way is to keep ur distance and rely on beam, javaline and blast, and i dont need to play thermo to see people hp disappear in 5 seconds or to see the 380 dmg ability happen

If you think otherwise, I wish you to fight projectile-based (pistols and etc.) atk speed wind conjurer that can abuse zero endlags to deal shittons of damage and there is absolutely no ability to counter that, because zero endlags also allows them to dodge, parry, block without any vulnerability windows.

Maybe fodders of this build can be defeated, but true monsters with incredible shooter aim will make you eat dirt easily. Everything they really need is to get aim or aimbot, thats all. I don’t see the actual “skill” there. While AOE builds (NOT METAL MAGES) still have to plan their fight and learn how to deal big damage without becoming vulnerable.

P.S - Personaly, I use mixed build with balanced amount of size and atk speed. But before that, I was using only AOE and when I switched to balanced one, I got extremely surprised how much easier my fights became.

Yeah, but the thing is, for fighting styles, the opposite is true

Attack size gives you the ability to frantically aim wherever, since you are already close to your target most of the time. Hence why sailor style is so good right now, attack speed becomes the thing that’s more skill based as you need to learn and create combos that can utilize the speed instead of just pressing smash and hitting half the arena.

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me when i spam the move buttons on explosion ileg and win against people i have no business winning against

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just fought another savant that his fs dealt atleast 100 more dmg than his other moves, straight up nerf the effincency of power for fs


Also bro does not understand the idea of a fighting style based savant

They are definitely not nerfing the damage without giving something for compensation, FS usually perform miserably in PVE

Some people on the forums need to learn when to accept that they had an atrocious take

Let’s go hunt npc bounties!

Explosion spam

Aw dangit!

rushdown bug

Aw dang it!

bear, I’m sorry man. but in most cases this isn’t really true anymore. With the exception of certain freak warlocks, nearly all thermo moves do less than 200 damage even at 90-100 power. Ileg now heavily outdamages it.

That was never an option against actually skillful opponents.

I would also add that affinity scaling for ileg is broken rn, so you shouldn’t expect any balance tho.

Ok :+1:

Thermo being a rotting corpse outside of intensity builds


Yeah. The fact a fighting style focused on constantly hitting your opponent is being carried by dot rn is irony that should not go over peoples heads.

we need the same rules like in RFAO except with a bit more discussion ON PATCH NOTES THEMSELVES. People are treating this like General again

At this point we just need a general thread separate from the discussion thread

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Lol, really. Why pvp balance is discussed on update patch notes discussion thread? I didn’t notice that till now.