Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Yeah that would be fair

Although I don’t think the dot should be the main point of thermo, I think actual stat buffs from the heat bar should be

True, considering that it is based on hitting a lot, when DoT is all about not hitting too often because the DoT can carry a bit.

Yeah, I get the feeling before nerfing or buffing a fs or magic or weapon or whatever. They should be required to actually have used it before. It would probably help with a lot of “this LOOKS good, so I need to nerf it” when in reality it’s just the skill of the user.

what is the whole point of this? u can combine thermo with a lot of builds, classes, magics and still very good, isnt the fault of thermo jugg if u somehow fail to invest enough power and 1 or 2 substats

2499 hp btw, while u also get access to focus so u should have even more hp when fighting

not only thermo already attacks fast but u can make it faster, even if u go size u steal deal a lot of dps

I refuse to continue this argument until you PROVE you have played thermo in the current patch

cause the pvpheads and even casual players playing it and being very good with thermo isnt proof that its broken, but hey nothing more to expect from a person that thinks that the only way to be a dps machine is to spam (he never heard or prob done a combo)

Prove you’ve played thermo.

I refuse to accept an argument about a fighting style with someone who hasn’t played the fighting style

well that a great way to show that u dont have any good arguments, i dont need to be a chef or mathematician to see the results of something or understand basic stuff

My brother in vetex I’m not going to argue with someone who refuses to have a source for their stuff

It’s clear you are taking the balance teams approach of “I lost to them so it’s op” if you don’t play thermo fist, then you don’t know thermo fists gameplay

well, u cant change the mind of people that lack common sense in some area, u can fight thermo fist, u can watch thermo fist, u can talk with thermo fist users, u can check their stats, that like saying size warrior are op and some size warrior saying that u have no proof and to play size warrior and then talk, its dumb

Yeah ok

This is you right now

ya cause when people point out that u dont need to play a class to realize that its op then that means they made it up, i have better stuff to do, its on u to prove that thermo isnt op

Can you get off bro? If he says he’s played Thermo, he’s played Thermo.

The reason size warrior is accepted to be op is because size warrior users repeatedly state it’s op

No thermo user in existence right now believes its meta or overpowered compared to literally any other fighting style (but cannon fist)

He hasn’t said that though

meh, didnt rlly play thermo, planned to but i got demotivated since fs got nerfed, fs in general are very good and thermo is taking the best combination

just for context i was trying to prove a point but no need to do that if they anyways got nerfed


Oh, then stop acting like you know Thermo.

i know about pvp, should be enough

I think thermo is really good but not gamebreaking imo