Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

if you have patreon then sure

its a sheild duh for sheildguard!


Unsurprsing that they have higher tiered Mortars and Cannons



I have to quote your reply somehow.


I hope we can build something like that with clan building :>

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300 new replies and less than 50 about the new tweet is madness iwel :sob:

What is your favorite flag?

me breaking bro of prison after he got jumped by the navy olympic swim team after the new empires update

I’ve already seen shield guard before but it still astonishes me on how cool it looks
Also 4 navy captains guarding the prison is kinda crazy, breaking people out is gonna be tough

i can see the rear adrminal using gravity magic to pull people down into the water to drown them

i think the antarctic true south flag is pretty nice

My jaw fucking DROPPED at that navy base HOLY SHIT we escaping alcatraz!!!

Well, now I understand the long wait :grinning:

This build is so peak

see what I did there?

with the grand navy npc having a lost magic could the assain boss have a lost fighting style since its named rumbling fist…

So far everything in the Nimbus Sea is making the Bronze Sea seem like the Loser Sea, except for of course Ravenna and Redwake.

i would assume so, likely an upgrade to thermo or something

maybe fort castrum will change that, or possibly island revamps later on like how palo town got one

I like to think of the bronze sea as the tutorial sea, so naturally things are much smaller and less awesome

oh mb

I would literally change from fame to bounty just so I can raid this (I am actually seriously considering it)