Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Morock has ascended AA. Vetex said it himself. He was so strong he had to be removed.

Cursebeard was NEVER strong enough to be retconned.



Who? There is no lore character called that anymore :man_shrugging:

If you want to yap about a character that doesn’t exist in this games story, then go to the AR forum


The best part of this whole situation is about how I was the one who told trli to ask that question to vetex, because I knew it would lead to the erasure of your pathetic Morock

Goodbye, and talk about your non-AO character somewhere else :wave:.

Yeah and guess who also got retconned, and was stronger than Morock: Torren
If anything, you putting Morock into the “retconned power scaling” group just makes things even worse for you

I’ve already won, Morock will live on as the confirmed strongest, everything you have frantically tried to argue with me about has proven I was right, you were wrong

nooob!! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Youre just jealous he solos your favourite verse

It was promethean fire that was so strong it had to be retconned, dragging Morock with it. Cursebeard wouldn’t be retconned for being too strong because he doesn’t have one single thing that makes him as strong as he is.
Also cursebeard is more important to the plot, despite what you insisted about morock being the driving force behind the start of AA

Yeah!! That’s right!! yuo’re jealous!!

It seems Vetex knows less about AA than his fanbase… this is why we call for the independence of Arcane Adventures… AA Nationalists rise up!1!!!

Putting your whole desperate attempts to say that you won aside, I am curious to see how this would change the lore. I would imagine that the AG still had a golden armada that presumably got wiped out, but now that Morock is gone what could have done it.

All men … are NOT created equal! Some are born swifter afoot, some with greater beauty, some are born into poverty and others born sick and feeble. Both in birth and upbringing, in sheer scope of ability every human is inherently different; Yes that is why people discriminate against one another, which is why there is struggle, competition and the unfaltering march of progress. Inequality is not wrong, equality is. What of the E.U. which made equality a right? Rabble politics by a popularity contest. The Chinese Federation with its equal distribution of wealth? A nation of lazy dullards. But not our beloved Britannia, we fight, we compete, evolution is continuous. Britannia alone moves forward, advancing steadily into the future. Even the death of my son, Clovis, demonstrates Britannia’s unswerving commitment to progress. We will fight on, we shall struggle, compete, plunder and dominate, and in the end, the future shall be ours. ALL HAIL BRITANNIA!!!


as much as I glaze old AA lore it did have its fair share of inconsistencies. idk how the golden armada would even fit in the timeline considering apparently the AG was formed only 54 years before the events of AA happened… which makes no sense for a superpower that rivaled the one shot pirates

This timeshift is recent. Prior, it was 1500 when the AG was formed. The AO era has done nothing but genericize and wipe away any unique lore and themes that AA had.

AA originally could be seen having a message that: Magic was inherently a burden to humanity, which allowed for FAR better thematic stories than anything that can be produced in the magic slop AO.

This is also part of the reason the AA webcomic is probably THE greatest media in the AU franchise.

The Scourge after your first glance are actual people, that you can sympathise with. Suddenly, the “numbers” attributed with the kill-counts of maniacal Curse Users and Magic Users have faces, and you see the actual effect.

Curse Users in the AA Webcomic have effects. In AO, the effects of Curse User are, "yoo whatever these guys are mighty strong!! yeah sure they commit atrocities, but who cares those are just feats to be written of!!! "

And this also makes you wonder, did the people of the Seven Seas see Morock as a genocial maniac? We learn from the AA’s Valencia plush that ALOT of the men in the Battle at the Bermuda Archipelago were from the First and Second Seas, notoriously spare areas with little going on. Did Morock actually kill nearly 2 Seas-worth of Sons, Fathers and Brothers?

So yeah in conclusion, the AA webcomic is the AU Bible, and is the greatest piece of AU media ever


you take this way too seriously

do i now?

Unless supercurses get retconned

That would be quite ironic.

yh youre acting like youre having an actual argument when you should know skittles is always just messing around

Didn’t ask
Don’t care
Yap about this in your thread, not patchnotes