Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

all these monkey brains need to lighten up man :sob:

Yes you do, all of you do. And you know why?
Its all irrelevant. AO’s lore is sadly worse then this masterpiece.

This is true Arcane Odyssey Adventures killer. Bro came out in 2015 and still has 1k players.

Vetex could never.


wizard tycoon is peak arcane

Yeah that’s obvious, the reason people care about AO is because they hope that one day there might be a game that reaches even a fraction of the greatness of 2 player wizard tycoon

I hope Gravity Magic looks like LittleShrekSheep’s art of it. The purple and black goes hard.

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I… think you’ll be happy with what we have.


Yeah I think I’m definitely getting Gravity Magic. Just need a good fighting style to pair it with… I wonder if we’ll ever get a green one? Like poisonous mushroom spore clouds or something.

yeah thats literally the exact colour scheme

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Skittles is not always messing around dawg :sob:. You can find multiple instances of him trying to make genuine arguments about this shit in several places in the forums. Trying to back pedal now and go like, “it was never serious” is just a blatant lie lmao.

Like there’s no shame in legitimately arguing about this its not a big deal, but to then stop and act like it was entirely a joke the whole time and the other guys are just too serious is kinda silly.

good bait has to be warmed up in the oven for a while

Can’t wait for a surge of fujitora cosplays when gravity magic becomes obtainable

The thing is, skittles usually starts with a joking comment, which somehow devolves into an actual debate, and usually ends with more jokes rather than a serious conclusion. If you aren’t around for the whole thing and only see the start and end, it looks like it’s just jokes. It’s also only skittles who acts this way, the rest of the Morock fanatics (for lack of a better word) only do the messing around.

at the rate yall are yapping we’re gonna be at the 10k mark in a week :sob:

The bait kinda loses its purpose once the baiter starts arguing for real

vetex has to release the update soon, we cannot let this topic be the 3rd to reach 10k

none of you understand the skittles agenda

couldnt have said it better myself

because the baiter in question wants a reaction out of you

If saying that helps you sleep at night :man_shrugging:

I’m aware of what they want, but regardless of their intention if they start seriously arguing the bait is no longer bait. They’re genuinely just invested in the argument at that point. And coming out at the end and just going “um actually it was just really clever and convoluted bait you fools!” just makes you look like an idiot.

i think you just need tone indicators tbh

i think ur goofy as hell i seriously thought there was another huge update with the sheer amount of YAP going on here