Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

No I really don’t. You can tell when skittles is joking like he was here earlier, but there are multiple times where its pretty obvious he took the whole Morock argument seriously which is why the whole “he was always messing around” thing isn’t true.

buddy what that whole convo has lasted less than 100 messages and stock sounds alone makes up 1/8th of this whole topic

i don’t give a shit

why are you being so aggressive man if youre having a bad day i dont blame you but dont take it out on me :sob:

you take this way too seriously

Anyways I don’t know if the other images of the new navy base got posted aside from the prison part, but for anyone who’s seen them what do y’all think? Honestly it looks pretty dope imo, love the archway entrance part

it’s peak, your honour

nice bait

probably my favorite island so far

i heard ppl theorizing that gravity magic could slow on hit

tbh, i kinda hope it doesn’t slow, or at least it doesn’t just slow since that would be kinda uninspired and lame for a magic like gravity

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I figured it’d like slow and decrease the distance of anything that can give height. So like T jumps, teleport moves, leap, regular jumps, and anything else that could possibly give height.

Unless things that slow already do that in which case ignore this.

the slowness effect already does that

i was thinking it could be like reverse knockback where it pulls targets towards the center of the hitbox

Yeah I kinda realized that once I finished typing.

That’d be neat.

To clarify, this means it would draw enemies towards the attack right? So an enemy would get pulled into a blast if its near them?

oh wait that could also be very interesting
what i meant was it only pulls enemies already caught in an attack so it’d hit them regardless

i think you fell for their bait a bit too hard

I didn’t even argue with them dawg even if the multiple times they were seriously arguing about morock was bait I still wouldn’t have fallen for it cause I never argued about it lol.

You’re definitely baiting though, which I just realized now, so good job on that man you got me I guess. Do I need to be mad or does it count if I just replied?

New bait just dropped?

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Smh yall should just kiss already

its being reworked, Fluect had the idea a few months back and we finished the fine-tuning a week ago Trello

can this gate close or nah?