Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

i sort of meant about whichone was stronger, not how similar their situations are
if you are power scaling non canon characters, he becomes someone you should consider

Oh, Morock I’ve discussed this before.

But to not the derail the thread as per @Randomness ’ request, you can find this information on my most recent Morock Thread.

it has been more than 120 posts without a patch note and all we have gotten is skittlesnakes slop

I’m starting to crack

Can somebody link the balance trello here, im bored af and I want to read it on my school computer

morock will forever live on in my head
morock will solo getting retconned :alien::robot::robot::anger::anger:

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Nvm I found it
Also quit yapping about Morock, skittle litterly has 3 threads where you can yap about him

i think you mean skittlesnakes peak :speaking_head:

Well I’m right so :man_shrugging:

youve got a huge fucking ego to reply like that to me telling you you’re entitled to your own opinion :skull:

I cant wait for yalls wedding :revolving_hearts:

And why is cryonical scolding maple- nvm he edited it, praise our thread saver :raised_hands:

Calm down bro, not that serious lmao

successful bait

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Good job on the successful bait my glorious king

I dunno if getting told to calm down after getting your bait called out is really successful, but I’m glad you’re happy.

Ngl, you glaze so much I’m beginning to wonder if you’re a bot lol

thefollest it’s okay to be wrong im here for you :heart:

me :handshake: darkshadow

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Well so far I haven’t been wrong, but I’ll be here for you since you need it

He’s cheating on you with at least like 2 other guys

im in his clan for starters and its also funny

its okay thefollest we believe you

no we’re a polyamorous masc foursome

Thanks glad you could see the truth, bless :pray:

You’re so brave

I’m not talking about just that I mean you glaze like everywhere, open a random thread 50/50 chance you’re there glazing something.