Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

I am the resident glazer here on the forums

Question: Is the guy still malding about the Morrock?

Did the “(yapping thread)” just get added or has it been here for a while and I only just noticed

I added it to stay true to my word but it seems that someone has changed it back

it should remain as yapping, y’all talk too much

Make another thread if you want to yap unrelated to patch notes.

Oh wait I had forgot that it said (discussion thread) which explains why it felt like something was there before

If they yap too much again im "reverting " my edit (so people don’t know who changed the name, fun)

I hope we’re still getting that new fighting style this update but honestly at this point I heavily doubt it.

Still holding out hope for farms, though. I mean, “reaping rewards” for building is still listed in the main focus section for this update, so it would be pretty silly to scrap imo. Especially since this is supposed to be a complete update, I don’t know why the entire Civilization tab would be withheld.

But hey, if nothing else, we’re gonna get some of the highest-quality islands ever. And Gravity Magic! Nothing’s gonna make me not hyped for those.

I’m just hoping that he’s still on schedule for a September release considering everything he still has left to do plus bug fixes. Or if he isn’t, then I at least hope he doesn’t rush anything or put off content for the full release update to get the empires update out earlier.

I would assume all/most ingame bugs are already patched in empires
A. bugs would be annoying AF while testing so i assume he would just fix em :man_shrugging:
B. Shadow patch, we got an entire character mouth moving while we yap feature and vetex never mentioned it, vetex probably just doesn’t care enough to mention certain bugs being patched :man_shrugging:

I’m gonna assume that this update is coming out in at least 2 weeks, so sept 20th at the earliest

Trello got Updated
New island in Nimbus sea:
Tidecliff Isle

I’m pretty sure B was just done by Roblox and vetex couldn’t really say much

Rare occurance:


Nature is healing

I based my comment on how vetex usually takes a week or two before the update releases to iron out bugs and add balance stuff. However, if most bugs are already done/ have been shadow patched and since galaga has been doing the small balance adjustments, I suppose you would be right.

Yeah definitely at least 2 weeks


morock got decannonized into merlock

Trello says 6 islands now
Could mean one got scrapped, or maybe he just wrote it as 6 bc tidecliff was finished
Idk :man_shrugging:

at this rate update will release at late november/early december