Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

What would you guys think about the stats for evander’s armor?

I infer that it might be def-size, because it is fitting that we get the opposite of cernyx armor, and also by the looks of that one attack being massive

I feel like AP/Size would make sense

Steel chestplate
Wolf Pelt Hood
Black Large Cloak
Collossal Greatsword

Who wants to play a game of stat predictions?

I wonder if his ship was unique ship parts (if it does my G.N file may or may not get demoted,for what bros gonna do to it)

Hoping for size power

level 450?

Well the boss itself is level 410 so it makes sense for the item to reach a similar level range

Considering stocksounds just got unmuted, I don’t think it’s gonna be healing for long

Cmon dawg we get the first lost magic miniboss and all they drop is a lame ass cloak :sob:

like cmon vetex at least add a gauntlet we can get or sum

His mechanics seem pretty neat, it’s cool that he’s a bit more of a dynamic and can actually come to the player rather than wait around to get killed.

cant wait to see 5 navy brigs and a miniboss coming for my bounty file the second I steal a bit too much cargo

Bounty Hunter? No! I want to be able to kill him too!
Curse my positive renown!!!

Imagine if people start to use dudes with 50k+ bounty as bait for Evander

Imagine getting hunted by a bounty player and a miniboss shows up to help you fight

I’d imagine you’d still be able to attack him, I don’t think he’s gonna be like Kai where only negative and neutral renowns can attack him. He just won’t come after you.

Well, I sure hope so.

Jump Odyssey

Wait, so would you have to kill him 16 times to get every drop on average? And him spawning in the first place is totally random, plus every player gets alerted so they’re gonna be after him to get the drops themselves?

I don’t think casual players will be getting the Colossal Greatsword :sob:
It’s a great help for the grassless players like me though. Still, if you ask me I think random-spawning minibosses should drop their stuff 100% of the time.

i bet this is gonna be like the exiled where he rarely drops anything for some reason and when he does it’s gonna be the leggings for the fifth time instead of the sword