Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Add borealis heavy shot, and launch it at the captain.

Finally, cannon fist v2

Ship combat and plundering should not be always be boarding actions. It should be disabling the ship by cannons and then boarding action. Though the harpoon idea is a good one, but its like eating a walnut without cracking it

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Finally you understood it


Barely noticed this
(Wrong image at first, sorry)


they got more cells than players and criminal npcs that can be in a server combined

We have reached the end of the Yap Era

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I hope farms in civilization tab are upgradable
Literal money farms for level 8 walls :skull:
There better not be a placement limit for them :rage:

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They could always just use intimidation, or prestige or economy of scale whatever

@discobot fortune

will they’re be placement limits for farms?

:crystal_ball: Very doubtful

Lets hope so (I want to make a mega potato farm with this one)

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“Today I will teach you how to build auschwitz”

That’s the optional romance quest where she gives you her staff at the end

After you give her yours… :fearful:

after you give her yours… :smirk:

after your give hers… :woozy_face:

after give your her yous… :weary: