Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

is that my photo? if so, i need to screenshot in the upd…

Idk if this was posted yet but I know people were complaining about this hypothetical

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This show still haunts me even after I dropped it

Well there are a couple things, defensive weapons like cannons and mortars shouldn’t fire on clanless players and they won’t be able to be attacked in a claimed area(and vice versa). As for getting around the walls I’m not sure, but clanless players will typically be sorted into servers without clans or low level clans that can’t really afford stuff anyways so it shouldn’t be too much of an issue for them anyways.

I guess any player who is in a clan will face problems, but unless they’re joining a clan right off the bat cause a friend invited them or whatever, not too many people are gonna be in a clan before doing the sarloveze quest.

yeah but the server browser

they could totally wall in sarloveze and his pumpkins (for the sky pumpkin quest)

This would go against the whole point of defenses and make explosion the meta clan magic , but the idea of giving more magics utility and reason for picking them over others beyond stats and synergies is interesting

Though we already have a decent amount of utility (aura, wind knockback, blinding, stuns, ice/obsidian platforms, charging clearing statuses) and lost/ancient magics are going to explore it further by being gimmicky, so it could be argued that adding onto it would be excessive or narrow the selection of “good” magics if one has better utility than every other magic

You know you add to this useless clutter each time you make replies like this right?

Presumably, if you have the budget. I imagine they’ll be kinda expensive, seeing as they’re automatic

Probably something so you can put 2 next to each other

He gets evicted and has to sit on a raft if the island is claimed

New players probably aren’t going to use the server browser all too much initially, and players that have played for a bit will probably realize that they get filtered when they don’t use the browser.

As for potential trolls who go onto clanless servers on purpose to screw over people, tbh yeah that could be a big problem, but the current playerbase, even when the update happens, probably isn’t big enough for that to be insanely common. But even if there is enough trolls for every server the troll relies on there actually being players trying to do either of the 2 harvest quests which just isn’t guaranteed. They’d probably be waiting around for hours, and if they leave to do something else to occupy their time they won’t get to see the troll get pulled off so it’s just kinda pointless.

This isn’t perfect some people do have loads of patience and others just enjoy the idea of their wall blocking people from doing quests, but I don’t imagine it’ll be too common. Regardless I do think clanless players will probably be able to go through the invisible barriers just because them being invulnerable to clan players on claimed islands is kinda pointless if they aren’t.


A clan with 25.000 or more infamy

Makes sense

Man idek

Thoughts regarding this update's influence on the ship meta

The ship meta will be funneled

With the recent additions of placeable culverins&mortars that automatically defends your claimed island from ships, I have begun to think that the ship meta will be funneled torwards speed even more than before.
Because a fast ship will be able to avoid culverin and mortar shots from claimed islands, something necessary for island raiding (as depending on their range, they may or may not be able to fire at your ship if you’re right next to them), but also because the increase in claimed islands (caused by the changes in how claiming infamy is toggled) will also make it more common to come across them.

So while that may be the case already, it will be much more necessary to invest into speed than it is now.

A question to fellow players

What do you think would be the best siege weaponry to have on your ship (in order to raid islands)?

Considering the additions mentioned above, I’m placing my bet on powerful howitzers.

How I wish ships were actively being balanced too…

Well fuck

another cannon fist nerf I see…

Found this image on balance discord

close enough, welcome back crimson crescent