Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)



These actually look nice.

Though the lower picture’s pants are a little… Tight.

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awful lack of maid skirts tbh

The straps for their hats are so wack :sob:

Yes, that too. Besides that, they kinda have a cool action hero look to’em.

But again, christ those pants look hellish to wear…

Got that cartoonish toy soldier lookin ass fit

this armor both looks incredibly protective but also like it does nothing at all and lowkey its impressive

Speaking of armor…

VETEX. We live in a medieval/renaissance age that’s a dystopia at the same time.

WHERE’S MY BLOODY GAMBESONS AT, HAH?! You wanna talk immersion, then gimme my historically accurate(or as close to historically accurate as we can get in an alternate history scenario) armor, and I’ll be plenty immersed! I will be so immersed, I’ll literally glue my ass to my chair!

Sorry, your immersive item isn’t annoying enough to be added into the game!

(I hate dirt soo much man)


Unimmersed crying sounds

Laggy? Nah.
Creating two memory leaks within a second? Absolutely.

The memory leak vs vetex war continues


Bro better not tell me to leave all the gold behind here too.

vetex should add smallpox to the game

“i need more boulets”

I know you’re probably joking but back in AA vetex was unironically thinking of adding viruses lmao

Edit: link to trello card cause the embed wasn’t working

ngl tho mecalepsyia did sound kinda interesting

If he actually gone through that with AO, a lot of people will be deleting files if they get afflicted lmao

vetex please add dissentery