Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Do you have connections in high places?

Other than that time I pinged mimhere about a bug that was already known about

You could ask someone with the Artist role to post it on your behalf with your username being in the title, description, link to your forum account/topic of the art, etc.

Same thing can be done by someone for the twitter side of things. (Though the option to make a twitter account, follow the submission process, and virtually never use it again works too.)

empires update release date around that time?

generally theyre on fridays and i doubt its releasing this coming friday so my guess is the 27th
12 days until the update lets go baby!!!

They both sound pretty cool. Has Vetex confirmed if we’re getting the 80 strength rare technique this update? If not, I hope he fits it into the auction patch. He said he wants this update to leave the game in a good state until full release, and it’d be weird to go 6 months with an uneven number of spells and techniques.

Can I see :eyes:

He hasnt said anything about any more techniques, and galaga has supposedly been working on that rapier skill for like a month according to the trello so i doubt it.

I also have concerns on how vetex is gonna fit the other 6 islands into the update considering they take time to add, and he still needs to finish the civilization tab and do bug fixes within the next 2 weeks

Vetex has gotta lock in, but he’s doing that thing where he takes a couple days without updating, so I suspect we’ll get a special.

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What if the new gunpowder-based fighting style is actually about fireworks, not regular explosions? Normal fiery blasts might look too similar to Cannon Fist. I think a fireworks fighting style would be awesome, could maybe even inflict Scorched so it doesn’t steal Charred from CFist. Could have a fuse-based gimmick, like maybe you need to time your attacks right or else you won’t attack with the full force of the blast.

My idea for it was that the attacks would leave clouds of gunpowder behind, which would explode like a second after the attack, dealing bonus damage.

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Ruin’s Hand’s skill (wich uses Shatter) is white

i’m talking about the actual effects of the magic, not the colour

If I were to guess what is coming in the Full Release Update-

  • Vetex said he was planning on a way to have multiple chest pieces on at once for vanity
  • More story!
  • Enough spirit weapons and rites to complete the Oracle build
  • More minibosses
  • Most of the non-story bosses (tech said to look at blasted rock when full release is out, probably meant this bc of the King Caesar boss)
  • Some of the listed sea monsters (not abyssal probably)
  • Legendary ships
  • More islands?
  • Level cap increase to 175
  • Frigate

Can’t wait for the two new styles to get nerfed into the ground and for sailor fist to remain unchanged


love sailor fist

Great idea. I do want a fighting style that uses clouds, like maybe a mushroom one with poisonous spores.

didn’t he say level 80

He said the cap would be increased to 175, but he also said the Frigate would probably be added, and the Frigate isn’t supposed to be obtainable until level 180. So who even knows anymore.