Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Vetex’s cycle:

  • Promise something
  • Start working
  • Scrap what you was working on
  • Start a new thing
  • Released heavily under-developed new thing

Nah, you start counting after the hotfixes

that happened like once

“few months” long TGR

okay, it happened twice
but there were a lot more updates where this didn’t happen
(and can you really complain that you got AO instead of WoM with a level cap of 120 and like 1 more area?)

Not complaining just stating facts

I am kinda hype for the update! Im not in a clan though… Or at lesst a big one, i kinda have ny own faulty “bank” clan

I’m pretty sure Vetex said there will be individual wall placement and cool stuff like that

This is annoying imo bc clan bank is only way to keep galleons safe

I didnt make a bank clan, as I still want infamy, but this is bad because then the bics(I dont cuss) in nimbus will farm galleons on helpless players trying to beat maria

I dont think you’ll lose galleons
didn’t vetex say that the clan bank galleons will be saved but you eon’t be able to withdraw?

I’m hoping this is an opportunity for physical banks to return (Also bank robberies)

He didn’t scrap it he just said he doesn’t want to add it yet bc it’s too early (probably not enough kingdoms :man_shrugging:)
When he eventually does add it he can probably just copy and paste in his old work

Clan building:




There will be those who make gorgeous bases and then there will be those who make optimized bases

Yeah, but its still no different from losing them if you were using Clans as a personal bank that you would withdraw from later

hi :smiley:
i just joined

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then there’s me, who makes ugly and unoptimised bases

F-, needs to be separated into paragraphs Thanks, it’s readable now.

There, now retract your statement. PinkButterfly too