Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

If you wanted story this update we wouldn’t be getting it for another 2 months😭

You are more optimistic then vetex, LOL.
My bet is 4-5

because Vetex wants Agility to be used for IN COMBAT mobility, not to run away, he said that if people still used it to run away he’ll simply remove the stat

But what about the people that don’t want to fight

A lot of peoples strategies in combat is fleeing


Gale 5

Yeah or love potion

He doesn’t want people to run away, he wants pvp to exist for stuff like Renown and Infamy wich are MEANT to be PvP

Farming for perfect crafting gonna be a cake walk

But he ALSO doesnt really like pvp so idk whats going on

??? That’s not true, he doesn’t like the toxicity and doomposting of some PvP groups, but he doesn’t dislike pvp as a whole

I honestly dont really see why players are so afraid of fighting.
Its not like your whole save gets reset like in a certain survival game

Welp he said if it didnt kill the game he would remove pvp all together so that must indicate some distain for it

Idk maybe they dont wanna lose like 1k galleons

Yeah its such a valuable item

That was mainly a rage moment, he said himself he doesn’t wanted pvp to be optional and he even wanted to implement pvp tourneys

If pvp becomes mandatory than im finished :sob:

I mean if someone with like 1 player kill is getting attacked by a guy with 1000 pks then their chances are much better running away, and yes galleons are valuable for some people who might be saving up for a brig or whatever

i think vetex wanted the game to have an air of not knowing who to trust, but it ended up being “stay away from any and all people”

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PvP is inherently part of rpgs, it’s just that, as a PvPer myself I’m witnessed how insanely toxic AO’s community is even tho most of them don’t even have skill to back it up

like that one racist guy who archrono claimed the island of