Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Vetex kept pvp only because pvp is what keeps game afloat. He’s against it, and wants game to be exploration based (pve ig). But the problem is that since there’s no replayability for that exploration, game boils down to pvp :person_shrugging:

He doesn’t want to get rid of pvp, he wants to get rid of it’s toxicity

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There’s no reason running isn’t a valid strat. Can’t catch a runner? Too bad find another one. Don’t wanna fight? Just avoid it entirely, there’s other ways to get infamy and renown for a reason.

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hallucinations occur in hot dry deserts with endless sand and nothing else… are you real?

i want to know

Because running isn’t skill? It’s just having more agility than your opponent

There is skill in it if you have no agility like me

He said it’s so people don’t complain, wich is why they’re so innefecient, you supposed to contest islands and hunt.

I might be getting my hopes up but I really hope the gunpowder fighting style is like what Scar does in FMA where he grabs people’s faces and blow them up, it would be so peak. It would go hard on hybrids too

I hope the vanishing style is like some weird martial version of Shoot’s (HxH) ability where he takes people’s body parts (Hence the vanishing). Maybe it could be like some teleporting punching stuff as well.

Chat they slightly buffed sparrow thrusts length

Metal conj still eating with this one :100:

they nerfed every fucking thing else

I think they should have just made it scale less with size

Yeah but those other things are counteracted with metal imbue,

Also length has been my main issue with sparrow thrust tbh

What did my precious Ultimate Leap do to deserve this? What am I supposed to do, climb up mountains?

the skill was absurdly broken

Cant wait for them to not patch inverse causing metal conj to be absurdly powerful :grin:

(Jk as a REAL metal conj I don’t use inverse)

I think he recently did a bug fix to it

It’s not patched in main game

Also I bet it won’t work lmao

do you mean 180*


I don’t think vetex could manage ever buffing us to level 80