Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Yeah that’s what type of island it is

a cerynx island :laughing:

I have respect for him, but he won’t see our respects if he concentrates through the night.

On one hand, I’m all for his dedication to AO, but on the other hand, I feel like sleep is more important than adding new islands, presumably to the Nimbus Sea.

This was likely not the first time this happened… Im 100% certain he did this multiple times while working on the Dark Sea :sob:

assuming 1 reagent per pot and 10 pots per island that’s on average 1 acrimony per 1.4 hours per island claimed
e.g. if you have 7 islands claimed then you’d get on average an acrimony every 12 minutes

i digress however considering how acrimonies cant be grown :pensive:

Hope he doesnt overwork himself


He’s always overworking himself.

Added a little “Fun Fact Section” to the Reagent Pot Doc.

It’s basically how many Galleons you can get per hour if you sold the grown reagents, and how many reagents you’d get within said hour.

For those feeling a bit lazy on heading into the Doc.

Contains exceptions and assumptions.

Highest Galleon per hour -

6 Belladonna Flowers for 600 Galleons every hour.

6,000 Galleons every hour for 10 Reagent Pots.

  • 1 Golden Apple - 300 every hour

    • 50 minutes total
    • 3,000 Galleons per hour if there were 10 Reagent Pots
  • 2 Aeroplast - 300 every hour

    • 50 minutes for 2
    • 3,000 Galleons per hour if there were 10 Reagent Pots.
  • 3 Cloudroot, Luminous Coral - 300 every hour

    • 50 minutes for 3
    • 3,000 Galleons per hour if there were 10 Reagent Pots.
  • 6 Belladonna Flower - 600 every hour

    • 1 hour for 6
    • 6,000 Galleons per hour if there were 10 Reagent Pots.
  • 7 Skyfire Bloom - 350 every hour

    • 1 hour for 7 (58 minutes 20 seconds exactly.)
    • 3 every 25 minutes
    • 3,500 per hour if there were 10 Reagent Pots.
  • 9 Coppershroom - 360 every hour

    • 1 hour for 9 total.
    • 3 every 20 minutes.
    • 3,600 per hour if there were 10 Reagent Pots.
  • 12 Hoarfrost Conch, Jade Pearl, Thornflower - 360 every hour

    • 1 hour for 12 total
    • 3,600 per hour if there were 10 Reagent Pots.
  • 18 Golden Petal, Jellyfish Flesh, Lunar Moss - 360 every hour

    • 1 hour for 18
    • 3 every 10 minutes
    • 3,600 per hour if there were 10 Reagent Pots.
  • 24 Amphibious Bloom - 360 every hour

    • 1 hour for 24 total
    • 2 every 5 minutes
    • 3,600 per hour if there were 10 Reagent Pots.
  • 36 Auric Seaweed, Glowcap, Sandflower - 360 every hour

    • 1 hour for 36 total
    • 3 every 5 minutes
    • 3,600 per hour if there were 10 Reagent Pots.
  • 72 Blue/Red Urchin Spine, Lifebloom, Pink Apple - 360 every hour

    • 1 hour for 72 total
    • 6 every 5 minutes.
    • 3,600 per hour if there were 10 Reagent Pots.
  • 120 Seaweed, Growth Sap- 3

    • 1 hour for 120
    • 2 every minute.
    • 3,600 per hour if there were 10 Reagent Pots.
  • 180 Askew Root - 2

  • 1 hour for 180 total

  • 3 every minute

  • 3,600 per hour if there were 10 Reagent Pots.


Thanks chat gbt!

Torren island :100:

:point_up::nerd: erm it’s actually ierochos, not Lerochos so in this case iero- could mean sacred or holy

Whenever I get my hands on the person that decided that the capital I and lowercase l should look the same it won’t be pretty

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Yeah you’re probably right

whatever you say westIoonIake

Whatever device you’re using should have enough pixels for you to see the slight bend at the bottom of the l and how it is slightly taller than an I
Size for comparison: I l

It’s barely noticeable and also it’s a different font on the trello the one here is obvious

Each day we get closer to that magical number

It’s the opposite on the trello, the I is taller than the l, while the l is larger in width.
If you still aren’t sure, you should copy&paste them into other softwares if you’re capable of it (which should be possible as long as it isn’t an image by inspecting the elements of the webpage).