Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

“Iero” in greek means “Sanctuary”

We can grow reagents now
New islands



ierochos = priest
maybe some sort of temple?
gloam = twilight
possibly samerian ruins that have already “fallen into night” seeing as sameria is the sun kingdom

legends crossing


they are bronze islands

i hope vetex adds at least 1 to nimbus bruh :sob:


Well that’s 5 of the currently 8(If I’m remembering right) islands that have been added. Iirc there should still be one more island to be added. Seems like they’re all going to bronze sea which is fine, I would like maybe one more for Nimbus though.

we have tidecliff, shieldguard, and makrinaos (all for nimbus)
this means 1 more island

Yeah I know, I think I’d prefer if that last island went to Nimbus, but regardless we still get a bunch of new islands all around which is still pretty awesome.

yeah i hope its added to nimbus too

What happened to the level 80 strength move and new rapier skill? Will we be getting them now, or will they be added in a hot fix after?

Never was one?


Jesus and that’s still not all the islands for the bronze sea :sob:

intresting their all bronze i thought their wouldnt be room for that many islands

I know there’s one for Hallbjord or whatever his name is, there’s fort castrum, and maybe whatever last island Vetex hasn’t added yet if he puts it in bronze instead of Nimbus. Is there any other future bronze sea islands I’m not recalling?

unless any of these arnt a volcano island then we need the volcano island also…

Hopefully the 3 nimbus islands we got so far are enough to boost the player cap to the same as the bronze sea, so we get claim infamy


nimbus sea munera soon???