Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Oh I didn’t notice it was outdated :skull:
Let me see if I can find a newer one and edit the message

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uh what I see blasted rock

They edited it :drooling_face:

The volcano and fort castrum are slated to be west of ravenna, and behind frostmill seems like a bit of an intentionally barren area.
I’m guessing some of them might be moved around.

bec frostmill is supposed to be drifting

it would be cool if he added a mechanic where it’s a slightly different position every server or something like that

Frostmill in dark sea…

how to make vetex wanna commit sewerslide
step 1: make him recode the entirety of quest markers for a minor immersion change

pretty sure markers are position based, in a sense that they are parts. So you can just anchor it all to a single base, or move the group model of an island via code :person_shrugging:

He can have quest stuff move, as long as he coded them in a smart way, I just doubt that he’d do it because it might make it harder for new players to reach.

this is vetex we are talking about


Bro pinged netex :skull:

knee tex




its joever for me yall, im gonna get banned


you’re making the massive mistake of thinking there’s an opportunity cost. There isn’t, you don’t need to do anything aside from the initial setup time to harvest these, then continue your chestfarming

Whos replying?