Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

I assumed that if you do not care about updates then you must not really like the game all that much, and god no, i dont even pvp

I dunno how to tell you this…

I don’t care what’s in it, nor how long it takes. I just want it to be better than Small update.

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I really do think Vetex should make a Skyhall update AND THEN a full release update, because there is just too much.

how many islands could we expect in full relase…

So far, Castrum and Skyhall.

At least 3 (skyhall and skyhall volcano and castrum) plus some others probably
Only reason this update is adding so many is because of the nature of building

The convenient thing is that vetex mainly gets other people to build islands now so hopefully Tobi and the others can cook some new islands in the background

the mistake has been corrected

logan paul, king of icecream hair


wait potency effect affects your potions???

holy shit the grind is gonna be real

your potions consumed, not your potions brewed

yeah yeah gale potions will be insane still

its powerup durations
i meant consumed as in drank
it affects powerups like aura and ironskin/buff potions
ok i wasnt entirely right but it affects durations
gale does not have duration
gale potions will not be insane
big brother says do not brew gilded supernova t5 gale potions

that’s what potency on potions do already, for potions without duration it affects their effects

tier 5 gale potions when drunk already send you into the fuckin stratosphere

Could you hint at what the crossed-out stuff if? Is it for example a boss or something else?

vetex himself scribbled that stuff out, so not even patrons know what it is

oh, i thought he showed patrons what it is, and if they wanna show someone they have to hide it.


yeah vetex sent the image like that, I wish we knew what it was but unfortunately not :smiling_face_with_tear:

ok guys i can do this
first one is “freak island”
second one is “patrick bateman”
third one is “blow up all pvpheads”